Blog / News

FBI & CISA Release VPN Recommendations

The FBI and CISA released a best practices guide for government entities in protecting VPN servers. Check the link at ...
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Peterborough, NH Scammed Out of $2.3M

Scammers were able to forge documents and compromised email accounts to redirect a payment to the school district. The crime ...
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Senate Infrastructure Deal Includes $1B for State and Local Cybersecurity

The Cyber Grant Program for State and local governments authorizes $1 billion over 4 years. It requires States to distribute ...
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Microsoft confirms another Windows print spooler zero-day bug

Microsoft has issued an advisory for another zero-day Windows print spooler vulnerability tracked as CVE-2021-36958 that allows local attackers to ...
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New Federal Public / Private Partnership Created to Combat Cybercrime

The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced new partnerships with the private sector in order to form the Joint Cyber ...
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The Problem with America’s Water Supplies

NBC News did a comprehensive report on the problems with modern municipal SCADA systems. A quote which all municipal leaders ...
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